**n.b. Notices for school/bus cancellations will be made early in the morning on the day being affected) via REMIND, CRCS website, CRCS email. (*n.b. If you have not yet signed up to join the CRCS Community REMIND for instant TEXT notifications, please contact the school office for info or check emails from the school with this info in it.)



A Little Bit About Campbell River Christian School...

Campbell River Christian School is an Independent School located on beautiful Vancouver Island in the community of Campbell River. We are a member of ACSI - Association of Christian Schools International. The school offers instruction from K to 12 with Biblical integration in all subject areas and in all procedures. We serve students from many different churches in Campbell River and the surrounding areas. 

We offer a full range of high-quality education and extracurricular experiences. 


School Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:00pm 


Elementary Bell Schedule:                                             High School Bell Schedule:

8:40am - Start time                                                         8:40am - Start time

10:30am-10:43am - Recess                                            11:58am-12:39pm - Lunchtime  (12:25pm-12:55pm Wednesday)

12:30pm-12:58pm - Lunchtime                                     2:45pm - Dismissal

2:45pm - Dismissal



Upcoming Dates to Note:

•September 3 - First Day of School

•September 10 - Band BBQ Fundraiser at lunch

•September 23 - School Photo Day at 9am

•September 30 - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - No school for staff or students






"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will share a meal together as friends." (Revelation 3:20)

Welcome back to another year of fun, learning, adventure, and growth! We hope that you have had a refreshing summer break. September is always a busy month as everyone gets back into the rhythm of the school year and all the extracurricular activities that also start up! We pray that you will feel welcome and that this year at CRCS will be your best year ever! May the Lord grant all of us the courage, stamina, ability, and desire to grow and learn in both our academics and in our walk with Him! 


Be blessed!


--Bérénice MacKenzie (Principal)



P.S. Thank you for checking our school website as well as our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram) as well as the emails we send out for staying up-to-date with information. If you haven't joined our REMIND app for instant text notifications, please contact the school for details on how to do so!



... , whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
Phil 4:8-9